Conference 06 Jun 2015

Call For Paper

Welcome to International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (ICoSET) & International Conference on Social, Enconomy, Education, and Humaniora (ICoSEEH) UIR 2017


(ICoSET) & (ICoSEEH) UIR 2017 is hosted by Universitas Islam Riau which the embodiment of the concept of sustainable development certainly requires the involvement of many parties and from various fields of science, especially the institution of higher education. As the highest educational institution, it is necessary to have at least 3 efforts to encourage college involvement that is, first the college academicians should be directed to focus on the development of knowledge, especially research in their respective fields to support the concept of sustainable development, the two universities should be able to facilitate meetings, A scientific meeting that became a forum to discuss the results of research they have done. Third the needs for universities to build network cooperation both in the implementation research and funding. Based on this, the Islamic University of Riau, as the largest private university in Riau Province, intends to involve itself in enriching the concept of sustainable development by facilitating scientific meeting activities in the form of International Conferences.

The goal of activities in this (ICoSET) & (ICoSEEH) UIR 2017 are facilitating scientific meetings for international and national researchers to exchange information on research results in various fields related to sustainable development. Being a forum for socializing the concept of sustainable development, especially in developing countries and developing and open new concepts in sustainable development in all fields for developing countries.



- Deadline for Abstract Submission Sept, 20th 2017

-Announcement of Acceptance Abstract Oct, 8th 2017

- Final Submission for Full Paper Oct, 5th 2017

-Conference Day Nov, 8-10th 2017

- Highty selected Papers wil; be published into international journals index by scopus or accredited national journals.



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